For this edition of the foodista challenge, Cyrielle of the blog cyriellegourmandise.com challenged us with a new topic for this month “Tea time”. That was for me the opportunity to bake one of the best recipe of my grandmother. The apple Far Breton recipe ! Yes, that’s right she comes from Brittany. And if you follow my blog from time to time you might also know that she speaks Brittain as first language and that she only learned French around 7 years old … at school … it was forbidden to speak another language that French at school at that time. Weird isn’t it ?

I have plenty of recipes in my head … or in her head in fact because she never wrote them in fact and I am gathering them one by one. So a great grandma recipe to go with a delicious bergamot tea.

At the beginning, I have to admit that I didn’t understand well the theme and I made some canneles with bergamot tea. In my head, that was tea, tea, tea and only tea, I completely forgot that I had to put some seasonal fruits in this recipe …

I also add a pink touch because Cyrielle loves pink. I hope she likes it.

Apple Far Breton recipe
- 6 apples
- 250 gr. of flour
- 150 gr. of sugar
- 4 eggs
- 1 liter of milk
- 20 gr. of butter
- 1 pinch of cinamon
- Preheat oven to 200°C.
- Peel, core and cut apples into quarters. Slice finely and reserve.
- Mix flour and sugar. Add eggs one by one while mixing. Then pour milk little by little until your obtain a kind of pastry dough pancakes.
- Grease the baking dish with butter. Place apples in your oven dish. Pour the mixture into the baking dish and bake for 50-55 minutes. Watch regularly after 35 minutes.
Merci beaucoup d’avoir pris le temps de me lire. N’hésitez pas à me suivre sur les réseaux sociaux ou à vous inscrire à la newsletter pour recevoir les prochaines recettes.
Iam in the english section so ill comment in english !
Thanks a lot for you recipe iam craving now !
Plus, i really love you photography so congrats for all your work !
Thank you very much Stéphanie 🙂 ! I am glad you like it.
I whipped this up this morning and it’s great. I just recently moved back to the States after living in Brittany for several years and I’ve been a bit “homesick” for Breton cuisine. Tell your grandmother “Mersi braz euz Amerika, lipous kena hag aes da farda”.