During the week-end, I have always a bit more time than usuall and I enjoy to use it to cook. So yesterday afternoon I prepared a Rosmarin potatoes gratin to be served with a rack of lamb marinated with garlic and rosmarin.
I cooked the following recipe for approximately two persons.

Rosmarin potato gratin
- 6 big potatoes
- 2 garlic cloves
- fresh rosmarin
- 250 ml cream
- parmesan
- white wine
- olive oil
- salt
- pepper
- Preheat your oven at 180°C.
- Oil a plate, peal and slice the potatoes.
- Peel and press the garlic. Don’t forget to remove the green sprout.
- Mix in a bol the cream, garlic, salt, pepper, fresh rosmarin and a little bit of white wine.
- Place half of the potato slices in the plate and pour half of the mix with the cream. The potatoes need to be cover up of liquid. If it is not the case, you can add a bit of water.
- Place the potato slices left and the rest of the cream.
- Let’s back during 50 minutes.
- Add the parmesan on the top and let it cook until the cheese is melted. (around 10 minutes)
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