A very special recipe today released straight from the reissue of a legendary classic, out of stock for years, “The pastries” of Betty Bossi: The English brioche. Betty Bossi, a fictional character, appeared in 1956 in Switzerland to answer the perennial question “What can I eat today?”.
Nowaday a subsidiary of the COOP, one of the two Swiss supermarket brands, its books are in every Swiss kitchen.

We often think about what we are going to eat on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. But what about the morning, when opening the gifts, a brioche is always welcomed! By all children and grown-ups!
I will soon tell you about another best seller reissued “Les friandises”. Because this weekend, we celebrate our soon to be born baby by baking Christmas cookies !!!

But Betty Bossi send me the books in German … Thank you to the wonderful years I spent in Zurich which helped me understand the recipes!

Below the recipe!

English brioche with strawberry jam, dried grapes and flaked almonds
- Cake mold
- Brioche
- 1.25 dl milk
- 20 gr fresh yeast
- 350 gr flour
- 3 tablespoons sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 50 gr softened butter
- 1 egg
- 1 egg yolk and 2 teaspoons of water
- Garnish
- 300 gr jam
- 3 tablespoons raisins
- 3 tablespoons flaked almonds
- 2 teaspooms of sugar
- a bit of water
- Warm up milk (not more than 30 ° C) and dissolve yeast.
- Put in your foodprocessor or large bowl flour. sugar. salt and make a hole. Add softened butter, egg and pour milk with yeast Knead by hand or using your foodprocessor until you get a homogeneous dough. Let stand until dough doubles in volume (about 1 hour).
- Roll dough into a rectangular shape 0.5 cm thick and 30-35 cm wide (the length of your cake mold).
- Share in three equal parts, draw a mark with the knife. Fill the middle part with jam, raisins and flaked almonds.
- Cut strips 2 cm wide on each side along the entire length. Fold them down on the middle part, crossing them a little, one after the other.
- Put in a cake pan.
- Preheat oven to 200 ° C.
- Brush the bun with egg yolk.
- Bake for 20 minutes.
- Sprinkle with 2 tbsp. sugar.
- Brush a little water and prolong the cooking for 10 minutes.
Oh, I love brioche! Yours looks super delicious:) Can I have a piece?