I ended up getting tired of turning all the jars of foie gras off the shelves in supermarkets one by one until I found one that didn’t add a lot of things in it that weren’t salt and pepper. The solution ? Start making homemade foie gras. I have tested a lot of different types of cooking, devein foie gras or already deveined. So I’ll be able to tell you about it!
Devein a foie gras

After deveining several foie gras, although it’s not the hardest thing to do, it’s always good when someone else has already done it. For the more adventurous, the most obvious way to deveine a foie gras is to take it out for 1 hour at room temperature so that it is soft and that you can easily press it with your fingers but not too much either to not reduce it to lint.
You will then have to wash your hands very well (with covid19 now we are starting to get used to it). Then separate the 2 lobes and dig in the middle with your fingers to remove the central vein. Pull up, not too hard so as not to break it but to see where the ramifications go. Then you will follow the ramifications and dislodge the other veins with your fingers.
Cooking the foie gras
Cooking foie gras is an art, there are dozens of ways to do it. I already tried :
- cooking in a pan but it’s for the pan-fried foie gras
- cooking with a tea towel
- cooking with salt
- cooking in glass jar
- and of course cooking in a terrine oven in a water bath
From all these different cookings here is what I can remember. First of all, I love pan-fried foie gras. My mother when I was little made me with mango. It caramelizes and it’s divine.
Cooking with salt is really great because you don’t lose any fatty liver mass, the fat doesn’t melt. On the other hand, the annoyance is that as the fat does not melt, well it stays in the foie gras. So it is much more dense and difficult to digest I find.
In short, what I prefer both in terms of taste and the simplicity of the recipe is the homemade foie gras in a terrine.
Forward for the recipe!

Foie gras terrine recipe
- 2 large lobes of raw deveined foie gras
- 2 tsp fleur de sel
- 1 tsp peppercorns
- Preheat your oven to 110 ° C.
- Place a container filled with water capable of holding your terrine (a gratin dish for example)
- Season the raw foie gras on all sides with salt and a teaspoon of peppercorns.
- Put the two foie gras in your terrine, packing well. Cover the terrine with the lid.
- Place in the oven and cook for 40 minutes.
- Empty the excess fat and keep it.
- Cut out a cardboard box the size of your terrine and wrap it with aluminum foil.
- Place on your terrine and place two full cans (of the weight) on top to flatten the terrine as much as possible.
- Put in the fridge for several hours.
- Heat some remaining fat.
- Remove the weight from the terrine. Add a thin layer of fat and return to the fridge.
Tips and tricks
Some tips and tricks to taste the best foie gras.
- The better the quality of your foie gras, the less fat it will lose and therefore the more you will have to taste.
- Take care to wash your hands well before deveining a foie gras.
- In the recipe above, it’s foie gras for about ten people, but if you want to make a smaller amount, you can halve the doses and take a smaller terrine.
Simple is always best with Foie Gras. The only thing my wife adds is a little Armagnac. Eat the Foie with a glass of sweet white wine (preferably from Gaillac!). Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year