Ralf, that’s a german colleague of my husband. He already delighted us with the cheese spaetzle recipe of his grandma and now I propose you to discover his beer braised pork roast recipe. I love when people cook with love and not only to feed themselves and Ralf is one of those. When he is cooking, he moves slowly and precisely, with his heart and you feel it when you eat, taste is way better and even if sometimes that’s not exaclty just like he wanted it, that’s always a delight. (Plenty of my friends are cooking like that, so I am a lucky girl :-).) However he never uses any recipe, so we had to make this recipe several times so I can share this recipe with you today.

For those, who just come for the recipe that’s right here , don’t want to bother you with my private life, however for the others you can read below :-).

Ralf’s beer braised pork roast recipe
- 1 roast pork 1.2 kg
- salt pepper, mild paprika, cumin
- 30 gr. of butter or more
- 3 onions
- 4 garlic cloves
- 8 carottes
- 1 leek white part only
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 5 dl. of brown beer leffe type
- 1 sheet of baking paper
- 3 tablespoons of flour
- Peel onions, garlic and chop. Set aside.
- Dry roast pork with paper towel. Season roast with spices : salt, pepper, cumin and mild paprika.
- In a casserole dish, which can go in your oven, melt butter and fry onion and garlic until golden brown. Remove from casserole dish and set aside.
- Melt a bit more butter or oil if needed and brown roast on all side. Remove from heat and leave to rest while preparing vegetables.
- Preheat oven to 180°C (or fan oven 160°C)
- Peel and wash carrots and slice. Wash and slice leek. Put in casserole dish together with onions and roast pork and add 1 teaspoon of sugar in order to remove bitterness of the beer. Pour 3 cm. of water and a bit of beer.
- Cook for 1 hour and then baste meat with beer every 15 minutes during approximately 2 hours.
- Remove from oven. Put cooking juice in a sauce pan. Cover roast with baking paper.
- Dilute flour in half glass of water and pour into cooking juice. Cook on medium heat until sauce thickens.
- Cut roast and serve together with the sauce.
- You can make knödel or spätzle for the german version or mashed potatoes for the french one :-),
Speaking about roast, I am expecting one for the end of january :-). I will have to catch up with oyster and champagne later. She (Yes! That’s a girl) is weighting a bit more right now that the roast pork I want to you to braise. Usually in France you always receive a card announcing the weight and size of the baby, I am always thinking about a roast when I see that :-).
So that’s why I wasn’t publishing so regularly this summer. But now we are at 30 weeks of amenorrhea (7th month) and I can shout it out!
After two months in the hospital, a forceful initiation to knitting (don’t worry will share with you what I have made at some point), the building of Millenium falcon in lego and many others activities that you can do when you have to stay in your bed without needing your brain ( wasn’t working anymore – there was a latency time so I could answer to a question … 🙂 ), we are beginning to be reassured. Finally. Only 4 weeks to go, and if she wants to come earlier she can. So I still to stay quiet, but I begin to be able to cook (if I do not spend too much time standing up and not carying more than 1 kilo … so can’t even make pasta… ). As a result a French girl cuisine is now Adrien following my instructions :-). Thank you Adrien! However I still can take pictures.
Write to you soon!
Delighted to read your news and all is well now. Pork is my wife’s favourite meat so I’ll look forward to trying this recipe for a change, probably this week. Take care (congratulations to Adrien too!)
Thank you so much! Tell me if she liked it! Have a great day!